Hi bloggers Today is SLJ i did Te huarere We had to complete a slideshow and listen to the a video and complete the activity when we done we had to create our own words in moari saying whats the weather forecast we can do the screencastify but I can't because at the end it would't let me to stop it .
I can't do the Step it up activity Because I don't know how to do a screencast
Kia ora Sual
ReplyDeleteBenjamin here from the SLJ commenting team.
Great work on this activity! That’s a shame about the screencastify, hopefully that link Molly sent you was helpful.
With the new kupu, I’m kind of confused myself to be honest. I thought the noun came before the adjective so that it would be ‘he rangi kāpuapua’ but then the way the activity is set out seems to indicate the other way. I’ll ask someone about this and get back to you!
Mā te wā