Monday, 18 January 2021

SLJ Week 6 Day 1 - Fishy False Teeth: Step It Up

 Hi bloggers, Today In SLJ I did a activity called Fishy False Teeth well the Step it up For the step it up I had complete a slideshow and make a infographic/Poster you can use google drawing but I decided to use PIKTOCHART. BLOG YA LATER 


  1. Kia Ora Sual,
    It's a really cool post! What was your favourite part of this task? What was the difficult part of this task? Hope you enjoy the rest of your day!
    Blog You Later!

  2. Mōrena Sual,

    It’s Charlotte here, a commenter for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey. I thought the work you have done on the ‘Fishy False Teeth, Step-It-Up’ task was awesome!

    I thought that this task was lots of fun because it was very interesting to try and figure out whether the fish was real or not! I also thought that the fish in the task looked quite funny, which made me laugh and have much more fun doing the activity.

    I notice you came up the conclusion that the fish wasn’t real. I am not sure of this answer myself! When I did some research online I found that the ‘SheepShead’ fish has teeth just like a human! However it did not look exactly like the photo. Have you ever heard of the Sheepshead Fish?

    I look forward to seeing more of your posts!

    Ngā mihi nui
    Summer Learning Journey
